Welcome to NFT Moon Metaverse

Create, explore and trade in the first ever virtual world owned by its users.
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Invest in the future

Invest in the future

Become the owner of a plot in the metaverse. Build any objects on your site — alien landscapes and copies of the Wonders of the World, world-famous sights, architectural compositions.


Welcome to the virtual world's one-stop shop for the very best digital assets.
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The Twilight Zone
2.46 ETH
The Twilight Zone
2.46 ETH
The Twilight Zone
2.46 ETH
Take part in unique events

Take part in unique events

Visit a concert of your favorite band, an exhibition of modern art, a joint meditation in the vastness of the virtual universe. Become a part of the Istria of the modern world.
Events completed
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Bitcoin Bank

Moonverse news

12 april 2022
The Internal Constructor is now open to everyone!
Visit a concert of your favorite band, an exhibition of modern art
12 april 2022
The Internal Constructor is now open to everyone!
Visit a concert of your favorite band, an exhibition of modern art
12 april 2022
The Internal Constructor is now open to everyone!
Visit a concert of your favorite band, an exhibition of modern art
all news
Define the future of the virtual world

Define the future of the virtual world

The first fully decentralized world, controlled through the DAO, which owns the most important smart contracts and assets of Decentraland. With the help of the DAO, you decide and vote on how the world works.
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